Appendix A (Chronology of Music Psychology books)

Chronological Summary of Selected Books Published in Music Psychology

Amended and updated from Eagle, 1996

YearAuthor(s)Title of Book
1863HelmholtzOn the Sensations of Tone
1880GurneyThe Power of Sound
1883Stumpf Tonpsychologie, Vol. 1
1886WallaschekAesthetics of Music
1890StumpfTonpsychologie, Vol. 2
1892BroadhouseMusical Acoustics or the Phenomena of Sound
1893WallaschekPrimitive Music
1895BillrothWho is Musical?
1899BartholomewRelation of Psychology to Music
1902Bartholomew     Relation of Psychology to Music, 2d ed.
1905LippsConsonance and Dissonance in Music
1907FisherPsychology for Music Teachers
1909FeiningerAn Experimental Psychology of Music
1911StumpfDie Anfänge der musik (The Origins of Music)
1916Krishna RaoThe Psychology of Music
1919SeashoreThe Psychology of Musical Talent
1920CurwenPsychology Applied to Music Teaching
1921MatthayOn Method in Teaching: Being No. VI of Six Lectures on Psychology for Music Teachers
1925Révész The Psychology of a Musical Prodigy
1925StewartAcoustics: A Text for Students in Music, Psychology, and Speech at the University of Iowa
1926Kries    Wer ist musikalisch? (Who is Musical?)
1927Howes  The Borderland of Music and Psychology
1927Kwalwasser       Tests and Measurements in Music
1927Schoen, ed.        The Effects of Music
1927SwisherPsychology for the Music Teacher
1929Meyer  The Musician’s Arithmetic
1930Farnsworth, C.   Short Studies in Musical Psychology
1931Mursell & GlennThe Psychology of School Music Teaching
1931Pratt, C.The Meaning of Music: A Study in psychological aesthetics
1931Vidor   Was ist musikalität?
1933HurdMusical Acoustics
1937Jeans    Science and Music
1937MursellThe Psychology of Music
1938SeashorePsychology of Music
1939Diserens & FineA Psychology of Music
1940Schoen The Psychology of Music
1944BuckPsychology for Musicians
1946Licht    Music in Medicine
1947SeashoreIn Search of Beauty in Music
1948HowesMan, Mind and Music
1948Schullian & Schoen, eds.Music and Medicine
1948SoibelmanTherapeutic and Industrial Uses of Music
1951BarbourTuning and Temperament
1951CulverMusical Acoustics, 3d ed.
1952Gutheil, ed.       Music and Your Emotions
1952OlsonMusical Engineering
1953Lundin An Objective Psychology of Music
1954Révész Introduction to the Psychology of Music
1955KwalwasserExploring the Musical Mind
1956MeyerEmotion and meaning in music
1956Zuckerkandl      Sound and Symbol
1957HallThe Language of Musical Acoustics
1958Farnsworth, P.   The Social Psychology of Music
1958WeberThe Rational and Social Foundations of Music
1959ZuckerkandlThe Sense of Music
1960LangdonPsychosomatic Music
1960SeashoreMeasures of musical talents
1961MurchieMusic of the spheres
1962ValentineThe Experimental Psychology of Beauty
1962WhybrewMeasurement and Evaluation of Music
1963SilbermannThe Sociology of Music
1964MerriamThe Anthropology of Music
1964NobleThe Psychology of Cornet and Trumpet Playing
1966BentleyMusical Ability in Children and Its Measurement     
1966LoweryA Guide to Musical Acoustics
1966TeplovPsychologie des aptitudes musicales
1967LundinAn Objective Psychology of Music, 2d ed.
1967MurchieMusic of the spheres (revised)
1967OlsonMusic, Physics and Engineering
1968Gaston, ed.Music in Therapy
1968LehmanTests and Measurements in Music
1968ShuterThe Psychology of Musical Ability
1969CulverMusical Acoustics, 4th ed.
1969Farnsworth, P.The Social Psychology of Music, 2d ed.
1969PhelpsA Guide to Research in Music Education
1969ZuckerkandlSound and Symbol, Vol. 1: Music and the External World
1970ColwellThe Evaluation of Music Teaching and Learning
1970GordonExperimental Research in the Psychology of Music
1970Madsen & MadsenExperimental Research in Music
1970McLaughlinMusic and Communication
1971GordonThe Psychology of Music Teaching
1971WhybrewMeasurement and Evaluation in Music, 2d ed.
1972FranklinMusic Education: Psychology and method
1973Bonny & SavaryMusic and Your Mind
1973RoedererIntroduction to the Physics and Psychophysics of Music
1973ZuckerkandlMan the Musician, Vol. 2: Music and the External World
1974Madsen & MooreExperimental Research in Music: Workbook in Design and Statistical Tests
1975GordonLearning Theory, Patterns, and Music
1975Madsen et al., eds.Research in Music Behavior
1975RoedererIntroduction to the Physics and Psychophysics of Music, 2d ed.
1976EagleMusic Therapy Index, Vol. 1
1976GordonTonal and Rhythm Patterns
1976PlompAspects of Tone Sensation
1977Benchmark papers in acousticsMusical Acoustics: Piano and Wind Instruments
1977ClynesSentics: The Touch of Emotions
1977Critchley & Hensen, eds.Music and the Brain
1977LaskeMusic, Memory, and Thought: Explorations in Cognitive Musicology
1977SavageProblems for Musical Acoustics
1977SchaferThe Tuning of the World
1977Shepherd et al., eds.Whose Music? A Sociology of Musical Languages    
1978DaviesThe Psychology of Music
1978EagleMusic Psychology Index, Vol. 2
1978Grindea, C., ed.Tensions in the Performance of Music
1979Radocy & BoylePsychological Foundations of Musical Behavior
1980Hodges, ed.Handbook of Music Psychology
1980PhelpsA Guide to Research in Music Education, 2d ed.
1981GordonThe Manifestation of Developmental Music Aptitude in the Audiation of “same” and “different” as Sound in Music
1981Shuter-Dyson & GabrielThe Psychology of Musical Ability, 2d ed.
1982Clynes, ed.Music, Mind and Brain
1982DeutschThe Psychology Music
1983Droh & Spintge, eds.Angst, Schmerz, Musik in der Anästhesie
1983Lerdahl & JackendoffA Generative Theory of Tonal Music
1984CoganNew Images of Musical Sound
1984Dasilva et al.The Sociology of Music
1984Eagle & MiniterMusic Psychology Index, Vol. 3
1985De la Motte-HaberHandbuch der musickpsychologie
1985Howell et al., eds.Musical Structure and Cognition
1985LundinAn Objective Psychology of Music, 3d ed.
1985SlobodaThe Musical Mind
1986Dowling & HarwoodMusic Cognition
1986Evans & ClynesRhythm in psychological, linguistic, and musical processes
1986HargreavesThe Developmental Psychology of Music
1986WilsonTone Deaf and All Thumbs?
1987Boyle & RadocyMeasurement and Evaluation of Musical Experiences
1987Madsen & PrickettApplications of Research in Music Behavior
1987McAdams, ed.Music and Psychology: A Mutual Regard
1987Rainbow & FroelichResearch in Music Education
1987Spintge & Droh, eds.Music in Medicine
1988FrancesThe Perception of Music
1988GjerdingenA Classical Turn of Phrase: Music and the Psychology of Convention
1988Radocy & BoylePsychological Foundations of Musical Behavior, 2d ed.
1988Roehmann & Wilson, eds.The Biology of Music Making
1988SerafineMusic as Cognition
1988SlobodaGenerative Processes in Music
1988SwanwickMusic, Mind, and Education
1989Clarke & Emmerson, eds.Music, Mind and Structure
1989HandelListening: An introduction to the Perception of Auditory Events
1989Lee, ed.Rehabilitation, Music and Human Well-Being
1989Music and the Cognitive Sciences 
1989McDonald & SimonsMusical Growth and Development
1989ParncuttHarmony: A Psychoacoustical Approach
1990BenadeFundamentals of Musical Acoustics, 2d ed.
1990FiskeMusic and Mind
1990KrumhanslCognitive Foundations of Musical Pitch
1990NarmourThe Analysis and Cognition of Basic Melodic Structures
1990WalkerMusical Beliefs
1990Wilson & Roehmann, eds.Music and Child Development
1991BambergerThe Mind Behind the Musical Ear
1991GeerdesImproving acoustics for music teaching
1991HauptfleischMusic Education: Why? What? How?
1991Howell et al., eds.Representing Musical Structure
1991Maranto, ed.Applications of Music in Medicine
1991Sataloff et al., eds.Textbook of Performing Arts Medicine
1991ShlainArt & Physics
1991Todd & Loy, eds.Music and Connectionism
1992Balaban et al., eds.Understanding Music with AI: Perspectives on Music Cognition
1992ButlerThe Musician’s Guide to Perception and Cognition
1992Colwell, ed.Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning
1992Spintge & Droh, eds.  MusicMedicine
1993Cross & Deliège, eds. Music and the Cognitive Sciences 1990
1993Dowling & Tighe, eds.Psychology and Music
1993JamesThe music of the spheres: Music, science, and the natural order of the universe
1993McAdams & Bigand, eds.Thinking in Sound: The cognitive psychology of human audition
1993Raffman Language, Music, and Mind
1993StorrMusic and the Mind
1994Aiello & Sloboda, eds.  Musical Perceptions
1995Bohlman & Nettl, eds.Music, Culture, & Experience: Selected Papers of John Blacking
1995Fyk Melodic Intonation, Psychoacoustics, and the Violin
1995Grindea, ed.Tensions in the Performance of Music, extended edition
1995Spintge & Pratt, eds.  MusicMedicine 2
1996CopeExperiments in musical intelligence
1996Deliège & Sloboda, eds.Musical Beginnings
1996Hodges, ed.Handbook of Music Psychology, 2d ed.
1996KempThe Musical Temperament
1997Brummett, ed.Music as Intelligence
1997Deliège & Sloboda, eds.Perception and Cognition of Music
1997Hargreaves & North, eds.The Social Psychology of Music
1997Jørgensen & Lehmann, eds.Does Practice Make Perfect?
1997JourdainMusic, the Brain, and Ecstasy
1997Leman, ed.Music, Gestalt, and Computing: Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology
1997OrtizThe Tao of Music
1998GordonIntroduction to Research and the Psychology of Music
1998Price, ed.Music Education Research
1999AddisOf Music and Mind
1999DeutschThe Psychology of Music, 2d ed.
1999Pratt & Grocke, eds.MusicMedicine 3
1999SlobodaCognition, Emotion, and Peroformance: Three Lectures on the Psychology of Music
2000SnyderMusic and Memory
2000ThautA Scientific Model of Music in Therapy and Medicine
2000Tubiana & Amadio, eds.Medical Problems of the Instrumentalist Musician
2000Wallin et al., eds.The Origins of Music
2001BenzonBeethoven’s Anvil: Music in Mind and Culture
2001CookMusic, Cognition, and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics
2001Juslin & Sloboda, eds.Music and Emotion
2001LerdahlTonal Pitch Space
2001RévészIntroduction to the Psychology of Music
2001SnyderMusic and Memory
2001SoniMystic Chords: Mysticism and Psychology in Popular Music
2001Zatorre & Peretz, eds.The Biological Foundations of Music
2002Austern, ed.Music, Sensation, and Sensuality
2002Bunt & Hoskyns, eds.The Handbook of Music Therapy
2002Colwell & Richardson, eds.The New Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning
2002HallMusical Acoustics, 3d ed.
2002JohnstonMeasured tones: The Interplay of Physics and Music
2002MacDonald et al., eds.Musical Identities
2002Parncutt & McPherson, eds.The Science and Psychology of Music Performance
2002ZbikowskiConceptualizing Music
2003AshtonHarmonograph: A Visual Guide to the Mathematics of Music
2003Avanzini et al., eds.The Neurosciences and Music
2003BeranekConcert Halls and Opera Houses: Music, Acoustics, and Architecture
2003GordonA Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children
2003GordonLearning Sequences in Music
2003Peretz & Zatorre, eds.The Cognitive Neuroscience of Music
2003Radocy & BoylePsychological Foundations of Musical Behavior, 4th ed.
2004Balaban et al.Understanding Music with AI: Perspectives on Music Cognition
2004ClarkeEmpirical Musicology
2004Davidson, ed.The Music Practitioner: Research for the Music Performer, Teacher and Listener
2004LondonHearing in Time: Psychological Aspects of Musical Meter
2004TemperleyThe Cognition of Basic Musical Structures
2004Williamon, ed.Musical Excellence: Strategies and Techniques to Enhance Performance
2005Avanzini et al., eds.The Neurosciences and Music II
2005ClarkeWays of Listening: An Ecological Approach to the Perception of Musical Meaning
2005Fletcher & RossingThe Physics of Musical Instruments
2005Hills & Gouk, eds.Representing Emotions: New Connections in the Histories of Art, Music and Medicine
2005Miell, MacDonald & Hargreaves eds.Musical Communication
2005CopeComputer Models of Musical Creativity
2005SlobodaExploring the Musical Mind
2005bThautRhythm, Music, and the Brain
2005Wheeler, ed.Music Therapy Research, 2nd ed.
2006Altenmüller et al., eds. Music, Motor Control and the Brain
2006BensonMusic: A Mathematical Offering
2006Brown & Volgsten, eds.Music and Manipulation: On the Social Uses and Social Control of Music
2006Colwell, ed.MENC Handbook of Musical Cognition and Development
2006Colwell, ed.MENC Handbook of Research Methodologies
2006Deliège, & WigginsMusical Creativity
2006HallamMusic Psychology in Education
2006Howard & AngusAcoustics and Psychoacoustics
2006HuronSweet Anticipation: Music and the Psychology of Expectation
2006LevitinThis is Your Brain on Music
2006McPherson, ed.The Child as Musician. A Handbook of Musical Development
2006MithenThe Singing Neanderthals: The Origins of Music, Language, Mind, and Body
2006MoravcsikMusical Sound: An Introduction to the Physics of Music
2006O’Hara & BrownConsuming Music Together: Social and Collaborative Aspects of Music Consumption Technologies
2006RothsteinEmblems of Mind: The Inner Life of Music and Mathematics
2006Schneck & BergerThe Music Effect: Music Physiology and Clinical Applications
2006SimonMusic and the Human Brain
2007AielloMusic: Cognition and Emotions
2007EdwardsMusic: Promoting Health and Creating Community in Healthcare Contexts
2007FroelichSociology for Music Teachers
2007GordonLearning Sequences in Music
2007Gruhn & Rauscher, eds.Neurosciences in Music Pedagogy
2007Lehman et al.Psychology for Musicians
2007LemanEmbodied music cognition and mediation technology
2007RossThe Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century
2007SaarikallioMusic as Mood Regulation in Adolescence
2007SacksMusicophilia. Tales of Music and the Brain
2007TemperleyMusic and probability
2008Gilbertson & AldridgeMusic Therapy and Traumatic Brain Injury
2008KoenBeyond the Roof of the Word
2008Koen, ed.Oxford Handbook of Medical Ethnomusicology
2008LevitinThe World in Six Songs
2008North & HargreavesThe Social and Applied Psychology of Music
2008PatelMusic, Language, and the Brain
2009Clarke, Dibben, & PittsMusic and Mind in Everyday Life
2009GordonRhythm: Contrasting the Implications of Audiation and Notation
2009Hallam et al., eds.The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology
2009KirnarskayaThe natural musician
2009KlicksteinThe Musician’s Way: A Guide to Practice, Performance, and Wellness
2009MallochCommunicative Musicality: Exploring the Basis of Human Companionship
2009TafuriInfant Musicality
2009ThompsonMusic, Thought, and Feeling
2009WatsonThe biology of musical performance and performance-related injury.
2010BallThe Music Instinct
2010BerkowitzThe Improvising Mind
2010Jones, Fay, & Popper, eds.Music Perception
2010Juslin & Sloboda, eds.Handbook of Music and Emotion
2010PowellHow Music Works
2010Wright, ed.Sociology and Music Education
2011Barrett, ed.A Cultural Psychology of Music Education
2011Colwell & Webster, eds.MENC Handbook of Research on Music Learning
2011Clarke & Clarke, eds.Music and Consciousness
2011Deliege & Davidson, eds.Music and the Mind
2011GabrielssonStrong Experiences with Music
2011Gritten & King, eds.New Perspectives on Music and Gesture
2011Hodges & SebaldMusic in the Human Experience: An Introduction to Music Psychology
2011KennyThe Psychology of Music Performance Anxiety
2011Ward-Steinman, ed.Advances in Social-psychology and Music Education Research
2012Bannan, ed.Music, language, and human evolution
2012Berger & TurowMusic, Science, and the Rhythmic Brain
2012ByrneHow Music Works
2012Collins, ed.The Act of Musical Composition
2012Cornelius & NatvigMusic: A Social Experience
2012Hargreaves, Miell, & MacDonald, eds.Musical Imaginations
2012HorowitzThe Universal Sense: How Hearing Shapes the Mind
2012Jäncke, ed.The Relationship between Music and Language
2012KoelschBrain and Music
2012LondonHearing in Time, 2d ed.
2012MacDonald, Kreutz, & Mitchell, eds.Music, Health, and Wellbeing
2012McPherson, Davidson, & Faulkner,Music in Our Lives: Rethinking Musical Ability, Development and Identity
2012McPherson & Welch, eds.The Oxford Handbook of Music Education
2012Radocy & BoylePsychological Foundations of Musical Behavior, 5th ed.
2012Rebuschat et al., eds.Language and Music as Cognitive Systems
2012SapenFreud’s Lost Chord: Discovering Jazz in the Resonant Psyche
2012StumpfThe Origins of Music
2013AltenmüllerThe Evolution of Emotional Communication
2013BaderNonlinearities and Synchronization in Musical Acoustics and Music Psychology
2013Bader, ed.Sound—Perception—Performance
2013BambergerDiscovering the Musical Mind
2013Campbell & WigginsThe Oxford Handbook of Children’s Musical Cultures
2013Chapin & ClarkSpeaking of Music
2013Clayton, Dueck, & LeanteExperience and Meaning in Music Performance
2013Cochrane, Fantini, & Scherer, eds.The Emotional Power of Music
2013DeNoraMusic Asylums: Wellbeing through Music in Everyday Life
2013DixonTripping the World Fantastic: A Journey through the Music of Our Planet
2013HendyNoise: A Human History of Sound and Listening
2013HoningMusical Cognition: A Science of Listening
2013HuntWhere the Music Takes You: The Social Psychology of Music Subcultures
2013MargulisOn Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind
2013MorelyThe Prehistory of Music
2013OckelfordApplied Musicology
2013Tan, Cohen, Lipscomb, & Kendall, eds.The Psychology of Music in Multimedia
2014CoxThe Sound Book: The Science of the Sonic Wonders of the World
2014Creech et al., eds.Active Aging with Music
2014Fabian, Timmers, & Schubert, eds.Expressiveness in Music Performance
2014HoningMusical Cognition: A Science of Listening
2014JamesThe Musical Brain
2014MirkaMetric Manipulations in Haydn and Mozart
2014Papageorgi & Welch, eds.Advanced Musical Performance
2014RiceEthnomusicology: A Very Short Introduction
2014Thaut & HoembergHandbook of Neurologic Music Therapy
2014ThompsonMusic, Thought, and Feeling, 2d ed.
2014WilliamsonYou Are the Music: How Music Reveals What It Means to be Human
2015Bigand et al., eds.The Neurosciences and Music V: Cognitive Stimulation
2015BissellThe Role of Expectation in Music: A Study in the Psychology of Music
2015BrodskyDriving with Music: Cognitive-Behavioural Implications
2015De BoiseMen, Masculinity, Music and Emotions
2015NagariMusic as Image: Analytical Psychology and Music in Film
2015Tanaka & NogawaSystematic Approach Elucidating Effects of Music onto Human Health
2016AhoThe Tangible in Music
2016AlexanderThe Jazz of Physics
2016AndsellHow Music Helps in Music Therapy and Everyday Life
2016Chaigne & KergomardAcoustics of Instruments
2016Davidson & Garrido, eds.Music and Mourning
2016Edwards, ed.The Oxford Handbook of Music Therapy
2016Fung & LehmbergMusic for Life
2016Hallam, Cross, & Thaut, eds.The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology, 2d ed.
2016Ilari & Young,eds.Children’s Home Musical Experiences Across the World
2016Kennedy & Gadpaille, eds.Symphony and Song: The Intersection of Words and Music
2016KlempeCultural Psychology of Music Experience
2016McPherson, ed.Musical Prodigies
2016McPherson, ed.The Child as Musician, 2d ed.
2016PowellWhy You Love Music
2016Rosset I Lobet & OdamThe Musician’s Body
2016Wheeler & Murphy, eds.Music Therapy Research, 3d ed.
2017Ashley & Timmers, eds.The Routledge Companion to Music Cognition
2017ChristensenSound and the Aesthetics of Play: A Musical Ontology of Constructed Emotions
2017De SouzaMusic at Hand
2017Hargreaves & LamontThe Psychology of Musical Development
2017HodgesA Concise Survey of Music Philosophy
2017Horden, ed.Music as Medicine
2017KarageorghisApplying Music in Exercise and Sport
2017Leech-Wilkinson & Prior, eds.Music and Shape
2017MacDonald, Hargreaves, & Miell, eds.Handbook of Musical Identities
2017Mantie & Smith, eds.The Oxford Handbook of Music Making and Leisure
2017McLachlanThe Psychology of Piano Technique
2017NagelManaging Stage Fright: A Guide for Musicians and Music Teachers
2017Tan, Pfordresher, & HarréPsychology of Music
2018HallamPsychology of Music
2018King & Waddington, eds.Music and Empathy
2018MargulisThe Psychology of Music: A Very Short Introduction
2018McPherson & Welch, eds.Music and Music Education in People’s Lives
2018No eds.Neurosciences and Music VI: Music, Sound and Health
2018OdenaMusical Creativity Revisited: Educational Foundations, Practices and Research
2018Reybrouck, Eerola, & Podlipniak, eds.Music and Functions of the Brain
2018Wöllner, ed.Body, Sound and Space in Music and Beyond
2019Baird, Garrido, & Tamplin, eds.Music and Dementia: From Cognition to Therapy
2019Creech, Hodges, & Hallam, eds.The Routledge International Handbook of Music Psychology in Education and the Community
2019DeutschMusical Illusions and Phantom Words
2019Garrido & DavidsonMusic, Nostalgia and Memory: Historical and Psychological Perspectives
2019JuslinMusic Emotions Explained
2019Kim & Gilman, eds.Oxford Handbook of Music and the Body
2019KroekerJungian Music Psychotherapy
2019MargulisThe Psychology of Music: A Very Short Introduction
2019PetersThe Use and Abuse of Music
2019PfordresherSound and Action in Music Performance
2019Rentfrow & LevitinFoundations in Music Psychology: Theory and Research
2019Thaut & Hodges, eds.The Oxford Handbook on Music and the Brain
2019WhittemoreA Study of Music: Music Psychology, Music Therapy, and Worship Music
2019WoodyBecoming a Real Musician
2020AlevJazz and Psychotherapy
2020Biasutti et al., eds.The Impact of Music on Human Development and Well-Being
2020De Voigt & VervoortListen to Live – Our Brain and Music
2020Gross & MusgraveCan Music Make You Sick? Measuring the Price of Musical Ambition
2020HeldingThe Musician’s Mind
2020HodgesMusic in the Human Experience: An Introduction to Music Psychology, 2nd ed.
2020Johansen et al., eds.Expanding the Space for Improvisation Pedagogy in Music
2020NonkenIdentity and Diversity in New Music2020
2020Ockelford & WelchNew Approaches in Applied Musicology
2021KozaDestined to Fail: Carl Seashore’s World of Eugenics, Psychology, Education, and Music
2021LachmannThe Self-restorative Power of Music
2021Madey & VonDrasMusic, Wellness, and Aging
2021ReybrouckMusical Sense-Making
2021Thompson & Olsen, eds.The Science and Psychology of Music
2021Williamon et al., eds.Performing Music Research
2022Cuddy, Belleville, & Moussard, eds.Music and the Aging Brain
2022Hallam & HimonidesThe Power of Music
2022KurthMusic Psychology
2022McPherson, ed.The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance
2022Timmers, Bailes, & Dafern, eds.Together in Music: Coordination, Expression, Participation
2023KimBody and Force in Music: Metaphoric Constructions in Music Psychology
2023Küssner, Taruffi, & Floridou, eds.Music and Mental Imagery
2023Marguilis, Loui, & Loughridge, eds.The Science-Music Borderlands
2023McClellanThe Psychology of Teaching and Learning Music
2025Hodges & McPhersonMusic in the Human Experience: An Introduction to Music Psychology, 3rd ed.